Did you know that there are kids who don’t have their own beds to sleep in, in Leeds, in 2021?! Neither did Slap and Pickle until the owners saw a news item about the work of Zarach Leeds; a charity which provides beds to kids who would otherwise be sleeping on floors, sofas, or sharing a bed with a sibling negatively impacting their esteem, mental health, and academic performance.

For each £150 donation, Zarach provides a child who needs and deserves a good night sleep with a bed set worth £500: making their day, week, year and Christmas all in one bundle. Throwing its burger-shaped weight behind the cause, Slap & Pickle has launched the #KidsInBlankets charity appeal; pledging to raise enough money to buy 100 beds this December.
25p from every item purchased from Slap & Pickle’s Christmas Menu will go directly to the cause, so there’s no better time to treat yourself to a festive feast. There will also be the opportunity to donate in-house, and customers are most welcome to add their own fundraising ideas to the mix. Want to learn, and do, more? Pop over to www.justgiving.com/fundraiser/kidsinblankets for more information and to make a direct donation. If this has resonated, please do share the love and help spread the word so we can get as many #KidsInBlankets as possible this Christmas.