Jeru Mayfair

(ad – pr) I have a surprisingly small range of favourite places to eat in London. For a city so blessed with restaurants, markets and street food I seldom have the opportunity to indulge in a meal. If I’m there for judging with The Great Taste Awards then a large meal is generally furthest from…

Middletons Yorkshire Tapas

(ad- pr)Yorkshire Tapas is a semi-ironic concept that I’ve seen rolled out a few times, notably at my local pub where licensee Paul regularly trots out the same jokes when asked if they do food with his description of Yorkshire Tapas as pork pies, pickled eggs, crisps and Scampi Fries. All admirable enough products in…

Agility Park Tapas

Before I became a parent I didn’t really give much, or indeed any, thought to the concept of soft play. I’d been a few times with friends who wanted to entertain kids, but the idea of an extended visit only became reality as my daughter became more ambulatory. In my experience they vary wildly in…

Chartwell at Aldwark Manor

(ad – pr) As with my recent visit to Ox Pasture Hall, I have to confess that Aldwark Manor was unfamiliar to me before I was kindly invited along to try out their new restaurant, Chartwell. Neither golf nor spa days appeal to me, so its appeal was previously limited, but the arrival of well…

Thomas Carr at The Coast

(ad – pr) Thomas Carr at The Coast is a new restaurant in Ox Pasture Hall from Chef Thomas Carr who has previously held a Michelin Star for seven years at his two restaurants in Devon. Now though he’s relocated to just outside Scarborough and has set about making a reputation for himself in this…

Amber’s Restaurant

(ad – pr) York has such a range of places to eat these days which fulfil so many criteria that it can be easy to get blinkered and not look further afield. Leeds is easy enough to train it over to but Harrogate takes a little more commitment thanks to the rather less refined rail…

Duck Shack

In my recent post on Sushi & Bowl I mused on the opportunity to try out new venues that is afforded by York Restaurant Week, a theme that continued in the week for me with a trip to an intriguing spot called Duck Shack which has sprung up on the edge of St Sampson’s Square.…

Sushi and Bowl

I can scarcely believe that, as I type this, it’s four years to the day since pubs were told to shut. An awful lot has changed since then and, thankfully, an awful lot has returned to normal but York still bears the scars of the Covid era in the form of a number of closed…

Ninja Air Fryer

I managed to resist for quite a long time but it’s happened, I’ve finally caved and jumped on the air fryer band wagon. I’ve a tendency to fall for gadgets that I’ve been trying to slow down over the last few years, but recently I found myself with a bit of money burning a hole…

Clucking Oinks

(ad – pr visit) If you follow me on any social media channel you’ll almost certainly have noted my affection for Clucking Oinks. Way back in 2017 I ran a few street food events at The Fulford Arms, one of which featured fantastic fried chicken from the Clucking team and since then I’ve been lucky…