Agility Park Tapas

Before I became a parent I didn’t really give much, or indeed any, thought to the concept of soft play. I’d been a few times with friends who wanted to entertain kids, but the idea of an extended visit only became reality as my daughter became more ambulatory. In my experience they vary wildly in…

NYMR Santa Special

(ad – pr) As my daughter approaches her sixth birthday it’s dawning on me that she won’t continue as such a delightful, angelic, kind being who craves my company forever. With Christmas around the corner, I suppose there’s a limited shelf-life (elf life?) to the whole Christmas/Santa subterfuge so in actuality the window between gaining…

Neverland at Castle Howard

In the headlong rush toward Christmas it can be tricky to fit in all the experiences one wants to give a family. Between seeking out Santa, picking out and decorating a tree, writing and planning a menu in great detail (just me…?), finding shelves for elves, extracting Christmas lists from children (and adults come to…

William’s Den

(ad – pr visit) Since Baby Fork joined us in 2018, I’ve become a lot more familiar with the concept of soft-play than I ever previously thought I would. As she’s grown, I’ve encountered more and more of these garish, cushioned, overwhelmingly noisy and generally not relaxing establishments and have come to the realisation that,…

A Light Spectacular railway journey

North Yorkshire Moors Railway is deservedly iconic in this region, winding its way from Pickering toward Grosmont and even heading as far as Whitby on some services. It can trace its history as far as the early 19th Century and has since then served a variety of roles throughout a varied life that has seen…

A new Magnet Kitchen

It’s tough to know where to start with projects for which you have no point of reference, particularly when there’s a significant amount of cost attached as well as the scope for budgetary creep. We’ve been thinking about replacing the kitchen in the house we moved to in 2013 for a good few years, and…

Treasure Hunt York

After twenty years in this wonderful city I think I know York very well. I’ve never lived more than 20 minutes’ walk from the centre of the city and have spent a great many days happily mooching my way around the city, taking in its history, sights and businesses. On occasion I’ve joined more formal…

Family Fork in The Dales

I would love to be bold enough and organised enough to be intentionally on holiday just a few weeks after travel restrictions were lifted. The truth is a bit more prosaic than that though. Over Easter, I was due to be working on an event in the centre of York that potentially merited a few…

Lockdown & Leftover soup

It may come as a surprise to hear that I don’t eat out for every single meal, or well it might have come as a surprise this time last week but perhaps less so now. I love cooking and am generally a little too quick to take over in the kitchen, but my approach to…