A new start for Forage

(ad – pr visit) It’s fair to say that Forage York has had a bit of a bumpy ride recently. After working hard to establish a reputation for good food and show-stopping cocktails in their bar, restaurant and hidden speakeasy, the team were hit with a sudden closure that, quite understandably, gained traction in the…

Rio Brazilian Steakhouse

(ad – pr visit) A few years back you’d have to journey to Leeds for a Brazilian Rodizio style steakhouse but they’ve been slowly proliferating in York over the last few years with Casa at the bottom of Micklegate being joined by Estabulo over at Vangarde as well as Caramba, a short lived offering at…

The Whippet Inn Dry-Aged Steaks

As we become more keenly aware of the need to reduce our meat consumption and are hit more and more by rising costs, inflation and so on, the treat of a good steak has become more and more of an indulgence. This places even more pressure on a restuarant serving steaks to get it exactly…


This is a big one. Over the years it was open in York, Le Cochon Aveugle was pushed onwards by Josh Overington to be deserving of the highest reputation, with each passing year its lack of a Michelin star looking rather more inexplicable. Regardless of the standard and reputation though a natural limit to the…

Pignut Helmsley

The hospitality world is not one that stays still and it feels like we’re entering (another) period of upheaval with the closure in York of several well regarded restaurants over the last few weeks. One of those, whose absence will be keenly felt, is The Rattle Owl which Clarrie O’ Callaghan had established on Micklegate…

Feversham Arms Chef demonstration

(ad – invite) Lunches early in the week can be a bit of a tricky one for a restaurant to fill. This in particular presents a conundrum for kitchens in hotel restaurants that are beholden to be staffed anyway for the benefit of their residents. How then to maximise return on that staffing? It’s a…

Steak & Jazz at The Pearly Cow

(ad – pr visit) We don’t do badly for decent steak in York. There’re a good few places that I trust to do justice to a nice piece of beef such as The Whippet, Corner Grill House and The Chopping Block but now we have a new option in the form of The Pearly Cow…

Pastelle events

(ad – invite) These are straitened times if you’re into dining out. The cost of fine dining has, understandably, gone through the roof to the point that it’s surprisingly easy to drop well in excess of a couple of hundred pounds on a treat meal and the kind of place I aspire to eat the…

Reappraising Kennedy’s

(ad – pr) Back in lockdown, much as I hate to think about that period, I was sent a variety of meals to try at home from businesses hurriedly trying to reinvent themselves under the most dire of circumstances. Amongst these was Kennedy’s who sent me a Sunday roast that turned out to be a…

1711 at The Judges Lodging

(Ad – pr) Just before Christmas I was lucky enough to be invited to stay at The Judges Lodging on Lendal and was extremely impressed by the beautifully cared for and characterful building. As I commented at the time, when I moved to York this was not a an establishment that did its premises full…